
ShoesEnfents is a kids’ footwear store.

The main users in this project were divided into three different groups, each with their own specific needs:
Children, their parents, and the business owner.

For this project, I conducted user research on the problems children and their families have while buying shoes for them. The ideation phase started around the insights driven by the research. I sketched out many ideas that would encourage kids to get involved with their parents in trying on shoes and deciding on their favorite size and style, which is usually a tedious process for kids, especially in small spaces. 

The slide idea turned out to be very exciting for kids, according to the survey I organized among children and their parents. This experience changes the boring shopping process into a game for the child user. On the other hand, the parent user no longer needs to bend down or sit on the floor to help his child put on shoes and decide on the correct size. To engage kids even more, I considered two pressure-sensitive LED buttons embedded in the floor. At the bottom of the slide, on the floor, kids can decide if they like the shoes by jumping on a happy or sad face light-up button. While the child treats the whole experience as a game, it helps them understand that their parents also have the right to make rational decisions about choosing the appropriate shoes for them. 

On the other hand, to help the business owner make the best use of his small space, I designed a millipede that displays the different models of shoes available in the store for customers. Wearing the best-selling shoe models on its spinning feet, it can attract children’s attention at first glance.

All stages of the project design, including behavioral study, user research, idea generation, design, 3D modeling, and interior and product design, were done by myself.